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Meaning of this per…
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Meaning of this personal Ad??

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Saw this thread and thought of this topic-
http://www.zodiackillerfacts.com/forum/ … f=89&t=393

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 19, 2014 6:42 pm
Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Speaking of real estate, Richard Gaikowski and some partners purchased the Roxie Theater in March, 1976, although that’s not obviously as compelling as the connection to Fred M.

Posted : July 19, 2014 10:21 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

The “imperial wizard” comment is bizarre. Is it a clan reference? I don’t know.

But I would think the most likely way to have the opportunity to join the Klan would first to be white, second to get a conviction and end up in prison. That doesn’t really narrow it down, but…

I think you are thinking of the Aryan Brotherhood. They are the prison gang. The KKK doesn’t really get along with Neo Nazis because the Nazis were German and the Klan hates non Americans, even white ones. Yeah, it doesn’t make a lot of sense, but that’s racist "logic" for you.

Also the Klan hates Catholics, which most members of the AB are.

It’s interesting that the crosshair symbol is also a celtic cross symbol used by Neo-Nazis. I’m not really sure if the KKK uses it. Strange how Z dose not come across as racist. I mean there’s no racist rantings in his writings, and he never victimized anyone other than white people. Though Stine was likely Jewish. Also, Manalli was of Italian descent, which I’m sure is not white enough for the klan.

The Minutemen used one that was very similar, and they were known racists.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : July 22, 2014 2:56 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

If we disregard the Fred M connection and just look at the message itself, it does undoubtedly read as a threat of some kind. It’s very hard to think of an innocuous meaning to this. The combination of a threatening (seemingly) message, the word "zodiac" and the date it was printed – well, it’s very intriguing to say the least.

Then again, to play devil’s advocate (because I really do think this is highly interesting), Fred M is only one of literally thousands of Z suspects. It could be pure coincidence that this appeared the day after he passed – to us, who are members of a Z board where Fred M is listed as a major suspect, it looks almost definite in terms of there being a connection. But "zodiac" is, after all, a term which can mean all sorts of other things in addition to the one thing WE all think of when we see or hear it.

Back to the message itself, though – the term "imperial wizard" seems definite to me. That is a KKK reference – I don’t think I’ve ever heard it used in any other context. And that is problematic, I think – because I have a hard time seeing a plausible link between the Z crimes and the KKK. I have no idea what that would be, frankly – and it gets even harder to make the connection if we throw Fred M into the mix.

Well, that’s my take on it.

Posted : July 29, 2014 4:29 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Check this out. :o

I did a search to see if I could find anything related to the KKK and Imperial Wizard that happened in 1976. It seems that an Imperial Wizard, Sam Bowers, of the KKK was released from prison in 1976. The story is a little hard to follow on the website I found this on but apparently Bowers went back to prison in 1998 and died there in 2006. In 2002 he sent Christmas greetings to a fellow patriot. Would you look at the snowman on the letter and notice that the letter was signed Sam. Those two things remind me of the 1990 Eureka card, bigtime!

The entire write up on this letter is available at a murderabilia website, the letter has been sold.

http://www.darkvomit.com/index.php?act= … ductId=594

Here is a screen capture of the letter only.

This link here shows a pic of Bowers in handcuffs in 1998. The pic right above it is David Duke riding in a car that has a Klan symbol on it that looks very familiar

http://flashbak.com/the-story-of-the-kl … der-13893/

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : August 12, 2014 1:35 pm
Posts: 301
Reputable Member

That Sam Bowers KKK card is very intriguing – he also has a wikipedia page where I confirmed he had a middle initial ‘H’ which enables the name Samuel H Bowers to have 13 letters.
However, it also states he was released from prison in 1976 after serving 6 years = 1968, so too early to be Z. By the looks of that card though, we have as strong a candidate as anyone else for the letter-writer.
The one huge problem with a KKK angle is of course the profile of the victims. It’s really, really hard to try and marry up the KKK and white victims unless they were all active in the equality/ human rights movements, which I don’t believe was the case. I would sooner believe it was a black perp trying to frame the KKK….. which is equally implausible once you count the eye-witnesses to Stine’s cab aftermath, and Bryan Hartnell.

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : August 12, 2014 3:58 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

I was thinking about the personal ad… why did the person place a personal ad and not contact Zodiac directly? Was he in hiding or maybe "retired" from killing and just living a normal life? I think Zodiac stopped killing at some point because he either got scared or had health issues arise.

Do we know when Ross Sullivan went to live in that assisted living home? I was thinking that after October 1970’s Halloween card, there is not much Zodiac activity and then in 1974 it starts back up. Was the "partner" taunting people again to make everyone think Zodiac was still out there doing his thing, even though he was living in a assisted living home and was too unhealthy to kill?

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : October 6, 2014 3:21 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Grand or Imperial Wizards
Bill Wilkinson 1975-1981

Info found on Bill Wilkinson:

Bill Wilkinson, Imperial Wizard of the "Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan", from 1975-1981

Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was a rival Klan group to David Duke’s Knights of The Ku Klux Klan. The Invisible Empire founded August 1975 was headed by Bill Wilkinson. Both Klan organizations were based in Louisiana. Wilkinson’s group was apparently organized to weaken the support of Duke’s Klan. In a article that appeared in Nashville’s Tennessean Bill Wilkinson was an FBI informant from 1974 to 1981

Don’t know if this info has any relevance but just in case, I post it.

Would you happen to know the dates of when the navy stationed Bill Wilkinson in San Francisco? I can’t seem to find that out. Also worth mentioning is that Wilkinson’s chapter of the KKK was known to be the most violent of all the U.S. chapters.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : November 24, 2014 4:04 pm
Posts: 32
Eminent Member

I recall a controversy in Vallejo circa late 1980’s because the KKK wanted to hold a rally on land located between Vallejo and American Canyon. fyi

Posted : November 25, 2014 4:55 am
Posts: 32
Eminent Member

It was an interesting time growing up in Vallejo and living so close to the towns American Canyon and Napa. Two towns right next each other but so different. Vallejo had a large African-American population so the civil rights black movement (black power) was prevalent throughout the 70’s whereas in America Canyon and Napa, predominately white, was incredibly racist. Because my grandparents lived on the boundary lines between Vallejo and American Canyon, I was able to attend high school in Napa. Kids from Vallejo on the county boundary line were bussed to Napa, and I being biracial remember getting off the school bus and being handed a KKK business card. KKK was prevalent in Napa during the 70’s and 80’s.

Posted : November 25, 2014 5:59 am
Posts: 32
Eminent Member

Judge Bans Rock Music at ‘Aryan Woodstock’

March 4, 1989 | ROBERT CHOW, Times Staff Writer

A Napa County Superior Court judge Friday blocked white supremacist groups from holding a planned "Aryan Woodstock" rock concert this weekend, but refused a request from local officials to ban the event altogether. Organizers immediately announced that they will hold a political rally at the site, 70 acres of rolling farmland between Napa and Vallejo leased for the occasion by former Ku Klux Klan leader Tom Metzger.

Posted : November 25, 2014 6:14 am
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

Grand or Imperial Wizards
Bill Wilkinson 1975-1981

Info found on Bill Wilkinson:

Bill Wilkinson, Imperial Wizard of the "Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan", from 1975-1981

Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was a rival Klan group to David Duke’s Knights of The Ku Klux Klan. The Invisible Empire founded August 1975 was headed by Bill Wilkinson. Both Klan organizations were based in Louisiana. Wilkinson’s group was apparently organized to weaken the support of Duke’s Klan. In a article that appeared in Nashville’s Tennessean Bill Wilkinson was an FBI informant from 1974 to 1981

Don’t know if this info has any relevance but just in case, I post it.

Would you happen to know the dates of when the navy stationed Bill Wilkinson in San Francisco? I can’t seem to find that out. Also worth mentioning is that Wilkinson’s chapter of the KKK was known to be the most violent of all the U.S. chapters.

Nope I have no idea, sorry.

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : November 25, 2014 6:54 am
Posts: 8
Active Member

I was confused by the phrase "or i’ll terminate your case" but i think i figured out the meaning in this context.Terminate your case= throw out your application, no chance of becoming a member of the KKK. You probably had to make a case for why you should be a member, hating minorities being the most important qualification ;) .A potential member of the KKK was suspected to be the Zodiac for whatever reason, along with Manelli, and they wrote this message in hopes of spooking him into spilling the beans to the boss (Bill Wilkinson,Imperial wizard). Wilkinson wanted the glory of capturing the Zodiac (and the positive press for the "movement") and he hoped Z( or the person they suspected was Z) would be dumb enough to admit it to him, thinking he would keep it secret, unaware that he was an FBI informant. Whether the actual Zodiac had any interest in the KKK i have no idea, but I gather someone in the group had their suspicions. The reason they would put this message in the paper rather than call is because it was an empty threat and they didn’t want this person to know for sure they were talking about him. I hope this made sense, i’m too tired to re-read it..

As for the R.A, the A could stand for administration or admission..

Posted : November 28, 2014 10:40 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

I can not believe this ad! It has a striking similarity with the writings of FC (Ted Kaczynski)


Material Sent to LWOD
Letter to LWOD

To LWOD [Live Wild or Die]: This is a message from FC Anarchist Terror Group. We are the people who have been blowing up computer scientists, biotech specialists, public relations experts and so forth. The FBI calls us “Unabom.” About the time you receive this letter you should hear through the media about another bombing, if everything works OK. Notice that this letter was postmarked either before or about the same time as the bombing hit the news, which proves that the letter is authentic. As a means of proving the authenticity of any further communications we may send to you, we give you an identifying number: 14962. Keep this number secret, so that when you receive a letter bearing it you will know that the letter comes from us. This is different from the identifying number that we gave to the New York Times.

We have a manuscript of between 29,000 and 37,000 words that we want to have published. We are writing to the New York Times to try to make a deal over it. We are telling the Times that if they will publish the manuscript serialized in their newspaper, or [crossed out] if they can get it published in book form, we will agree to stop blowing up scientists and corporate execs. For the moment we are more interested in propagating anti-industrial ideas than in killing another exec or biotech nerd.

However, we may find it useful to blow up more biotechnicians and the like at some time in the future, so we would prefer not to be bound by a promise to stop bombing. If we made such a promise we wouldn’t want to break it. So we are looking for some way to get our material published without having to make any promises or deals.

Would LWOD be willing to publish our manuscript in serial form? Or, better, could you get it published in book form and widely distributed to the general public? If you published it in serial form, how long would it take you to publish the whole thing? If you could get it published in book form, how widely would you distribute it and how long would it take you to get it published once we have sent you the manuscript? You’d be welcome to keep any profit you might make on the book and use it to propagate anti-industrial ideas.

The manuscript contains: (1) an analysis of what is wrong with the industrial system; (2) a demonstration that the industrial system cannot be successfully reformed but must be destroyed; (2) appropriate strategy for revolutionaries seeking to destroy the industrial system.

Please give us your answer by placing a classified ad in the San Francisco [crossed out] Chronicle, preferably on May 1, 1995. The ad should begin with the words “Personal to MCHVP.” We ask you to answer in SF Chronicle instead of LWOD because we know of only one place where we can get to LWOD, and if the FBI gets hold of this letter they will be able to watch the few places where it is possible to get LWOD and maybe catch us that way.

We enclose a copy of our letter to the NY Times.

Place the ad in the classification #420, “Personals.” To place ad contact

San Francisco Newspaper Agency

Classified Dept.

925 Mission Street

San Francisco, CA 94103

toll free phone (800) 227–4423

Best Regards,


Confidential note to LWOD


Enclosed is a letter that presumably will require general discussion by the LWOD staff. But this confidential note contains material that should be known to as few people as possible. So whichever LWOD person opens this envelope, he or she should hide this note and reveal its existence to no one, except when absolutely necessary. Read the other material in this envelope before reading the rest of this confidential[crossed out] note.

The material in this envelope constitutes evidence in a felony case, so LWOD might get in trouble if it doesn’t [crossed out] turn this stuff over to the FBI. It is always possible that your group may contain an FBI infiltrator who will report our letter to his bosses. And if you do publish our manuscript the FBI will know about it. So LWOD may want to give these documents to the FBI (except this confidential note, which can safely be kept secret).

This creates a possible problem, because the FBI will be able to confuse you or us by sending LWOD a fake manuscript or placing a fake ad in the SF Chronicle or some such COINTELPRO trick. Or the FBI may ask the Chronicle not to print your ad on the grounds that it would contribute to “criminal” activity. To get around that, we should have some completely confidential way of communicating. This can be established as follows.

Place an ad in the classified section of the Los Angeles Times, classification #1660, “Personal messages.” The ad should preferably appear on May 9, 1995, but in any case leave a few days between the time when the Chronicle ad appears and the time when the LA Times ad appears. This ad should begin, “Dear Stargazer, the mystic numbers that control your fate are …” and it should be signed “Numerologist.” In between there will be a sequences of numbers conveying a coded message.

The code works this way. It will be random number code and therefore unbreakable. Use the series of random numbers that we have given on another sheet. Begin by encoding your message according to the following system: For A put 1, for B put 2, for C [crossed out] put 3, etc. up to 26 for Z. For space between two words put 27, for period put 28, for comma put 29, for question mark put 30. When you have your message coded by this system you will have a series of numbers that we can call the basic sequence. You then change the basic sequence by adding to it the numbers of the random sequence. To the first number of the basic sequence add the first number of the random sequence, to the second number of the basic sequence add the second number of the random sequence and so forth. Whenever the sum is greater that 30, subtract 30 from it. The resulting sequence of numbers is what you publish in the LA Times. See example on other sheet.
n your coded ad please give us an address to which we can send you messages with assurance that they will be [crossed out] completely safe and confidential. (We won’t send you any uncoded message that could get you in trouble if it got into the wrong hands.) Also please tell us in your coded ad whether your open ad in SF Chronicle is authentic and can be taken at face value.

Your coded ad probably won’t use up all the numbers of the random sequence. Have the rest of the sequence in case we want it for future use. NEVER USE ANY PART OF THE RANDOM SEQUENCE TWICE. To do so would enable the FBI to decode the message.

We give a separate, confidential identifying number for verification of any messages we may send you: 82771

Legally the FBI can’t open first class mail without a warrant, but there’s always a chance they might have opened the present envelope anyway, so this system of passing confidential messages isn’t 100% secure.



[Handwritten:] Los Angeles Times Classified Ads Phone Numbers

(213) 629–4411

(800) 234–4444

Address of Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

Times Mirror Square

Los Angeles, CA 90052

Example of the code described in the Confidential Note to LWOD.
Copy of letter sent to New York Times

Copy of letter sent to New York Times. You can print it in LWOD if you like.

[See Letter to Warren Hoge of the New York Times (1995).]

Letter to Warren Hoge of the New York Times (1995)


This is a message from the terrorist group FC. To prove its [sic.] authentic we give our identifying number (to be kept secret): 553-25-4394.

Posted : December 9, 2014 11:53 am
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Beyond the obvious fact that Ted K talks about personal ads (using them as a means to communicate safely and so forth), I fail to see any similarity, much less a striking one.

Lots of people used personal ads for communicating in some code or other – both innocuously and less so. If anything the code Ted K proposes is nothing like the one used in the Zodiac ad: The latter looks like a straight forward threat directed at someone who would understand the meaning of it. There are no number sequences, no elaborate encrypting, etc.

Posted : December 9, 2014 2:36 pm
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